J'Ouvert, derived from the French Creole for "daybreak" or "opening," is a pivotal event that marks the beginning of Carnival. Steeped in the traditions of the Caribbean diaspora, this pre-dawn celebration in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, is a powerful expression of cultural memory and community resilience. The 2023 celebration, captured in this photographic series, offers a visual analysis of the event’s cultural and symbolic significance, highlighting how it serves as a platform for both individual and collective identity within the diaspora.
The characters depicted in these images bring to life the rich tapestry of J'Ouvert’s traditions. Central among them are the Jab Jab Boys, whose menacing appearances are both captivating and unsettling. Originating from the French patois term for "devil," the Jab Jab (short for "diable diable") is an archetypal figure that embodies the Trickster and the Shadow. These characters, smeared in black oil, mud, or paint, often carry chains, whips, and horns, and represent a rebellious defiance against historical oppression and colonial power. Their presence is both a reminder of ancestral resistance and a disruption of societal norms, challenging onlookers to confront the darker aspects of the collective unconscious.
These characters, alongside others like the Warriors and the Masqueraders, contribute to the rich narrative tapestry of J'Ouvert, where historical memory, ritual, and archetypal expression converge.
This series provides a look at the ways in which J'Ouvert’s characters and their archetypal roots intertwine with the cultural and psychological landscapes of the Caribbean diaspora. By documenting these dynamic scenes, the photographs reveal how J'Ouvert serves as both a celebration and a site of resistance, where cultural heritage is performed, preserved, and reimagined in the heart of Brooklyn.
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
J'Ouvert 2023
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